In the framework of" Migrants for Migrants", the European partners have co-constructed and tested the training "Mentoring process with migrant populations" for professionals and volunteers.
On the French side, the test of this training was co-organized online by AFEJI - Résidence services de Bois Grenier and IRTS Institut Régional du Travail Social Hauts-de-France on January, 15th, and February, 5th 2022. More than 40 participants were present for these two days of training rich in knowledge and experience sharing. Thanks to all the participants and to the Afeji/IRTS team of trainers! - IRTS: Alexia DUYTSCHAEVER and Ana MELO - Afeji : Claude MAHE, Nasser GOMRI, Théodora MARAIS and Marina LEPAGE →The training includes 7 modules, 14 digital e-learning capsules, and self-evaluation quizzes. These contents are fully available in 7 languages here