The Social Work Regional Institute Hauts-de-France (IRTS HDF) is a higher educational institution composed of five training schools located in the North of France. The Institute provides both initial training for future social workers and continuing vocational training for experienced social workers.
Participating in a project like “Migrants for Migrants” is important for our Institute because it brings new insights and contributions to our training modules offered to learners as the “Migrations and social work” one. It also stimulates the work of our teachers and researchers on the issues about the integration of migrants as some of them get involved in the validation workshops carried out as part of the project. These workshops are as well an opportunity to exchange with experts from outside our institution. The project thus makes it possible to question the practices taught in our schools and those implemented by professionals on the field. It also allows bringing in new ways of thinking and educational tools to our courses (for example, the Buddy System manual). Finally, it fosters local and international exchanges and encourages us to further develop partnerships and projects such as Migrants for Migrants IRTS Institut Régional du Travail Social Hauts-de-France
The #migrants4migrants initiative requires ASSOC to act as a link between migrants and the society, providing the best support in all fields of adaptation: accommodation, work, health and education, just to mention the main ones.
This initiative is particularly relevant for our organization, since it offers us the opportunity to develop not only new professional knowledge, but also personal skills. In fact, in order to be helpful for migrants, it is necessary for us to develop qualities such as open-mindedness, active listening, tolerance towards different cultures and empathy. “Migrants for Migrants” encourages us to enhance our personal characteristics and to use them in a positive and constructive way, making them available to help others. «On this International Migrants Day, let us seize the opportunity of the recovery from the pandemic to implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, reimagine human mobility, enable migrants to reignite economies at home and abroad and build more inclusive and resilient societies.» - UN Secretary-General António Guterres